Your Artificial Intelligence Roadmap
Embarking on an AI journey takes effort, but the process can be surprisingly straightforward — if you know how.
Our focus is on answering two key questions:
- Where can Generative AI be employed?
- Where can Robotic Process Automation (RPA) make an impact?
We’re not diving into the “how” just yet. Right now, we’re pinpointing the where.
Proven Success: Real-World Examples
I’ve had the privilege of working with companies that have followed my simple process to uncover high-impact AI opportunities:
- AI Call Coach: An AI tool that listens to customer calls and provides real-time coaching for HVAC dispatchers.
- Service Consultant AI Coach: A real-time assistant for automotive dealership service consultants, improving interactions in the service lane.
- Ride-Along Sales Manager Coach: An AI-powered tool designed to replace traditional sales manager ride-alongs, offering timely coaching before client meetings or during prospect drives.
The efficiency gains from RPA and technology optimization are vast, delivering tangible cost savings.
Avoiding the Wrong Path
However, the risks of pursuing the wrong AI or RPA opportunities are significant. Missteps can lead to wasted time, effort, and capital.
Seeing the Big Picture
The key to success lies in understanding your organization’s landscape at a granular level. By uncovering and prioritizing the most promising opportunities, we ensure maximum ROI while avoiding “dry holes.” Everything must be brought into the open—and it has to be accurate.
Let’s uncover the right opportunities together.
Unearthing Your AI and RPA Treasure
Imagine a treasure chest brimming with AI and RPA gold coins—each coin representing untapped opportunities for efficiency and innovation. But here’s the catch: your chest isn’t sitting in plain sight on the ocean floor. It’s buried deep, waiting to be uncovered.
Yes, I know, this metaphor might sound corny, but I’ve found that using metaphors, drawings, and real-world examples makes complex concepts far more accessible and relatable.
In the drawing above, the treasure chest symbolizes the immense potential within your organization. The AI and RPA gold coins represent the intersections where these technologies can be applied to streamline processes, enhance productivity, and deliver real value.
The key is digging deep, identifying those intersections, and bringing the treasure to light. Let’s explore how to uncover and leverage your hidden gold.
Unearthing Your Gold: The Path to AI and RPA Success
Finding the gold to mint your AI and RPA coins means looking in the right places, digging deep, and overcoming the obstacles that bury it. That gold—your company’s untapped AI potential—is hidden under layers of people, bureaucracy, HR department black boxes, resistance to change, and complacency.
It’s buried beneath your People, under their Jobs, and deeper still, below their Roles—assuming your organization even has a clear inventory of the roles being played – most don’ t. If not, you’re likely missing the mark. From experience, I can tell you that the work done so far is rarely enough. I’ve seen it hundreds of times.
I teach you how to inspire your employees to unearth this gold willingly, enthusiastically, and effectively.
Where the Gold Lies
The treasure we’re after lives just beneath Roles. We’re looking for:
- All of the Tasks
- All of the Checklists
- All of the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
- All of the Policies
- All of the Technologies being logged in to and used
- All of the Skills applied by each Role
If your Roles (not Jobs!) aren’t clearly defined, you won’t be able to mine the gold.
Once you’ve uncovered these elements, you can map how work flows throughout your organization. Most of my clients leverage BPMN 2.0 standards for this process using OGraph’s process module.
The Secret to Success
Here’s the exciting part: I teach you how to engage and motivate your team to uncover this information. With the right approach, your employees will be eager to dig up this gold. And with the two software tools I provide, and you’ll capture and be able to visualize it all — turning buried potential into actionable insights.
Are you ready to dig deep and mint your coins? Let’s get started.
Email me at
Below is a drawing that summarizes the path.
Hope it makes you smile.