RSVP for The Patient Organization – The 7 Questions that Drive Employee Engagement featuring Walt Brown


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When? Join us from 5:00pm – 7:30pm
5:00 – 6:00 Networking, drinks, and hors d’oeuvres
6:00 – 7:00 The 7 Questions with Walt Brown including interactive town hall, real life examples, and questions.
7:00 – 7:30  Networking and drinks

Where? Carolina Country Club

Who? Other executives from local businesses

Why? When your folks can consistently answer Yes to these 7 questions, owners and leaders will enjoy more time, more money and less stress.  What every owner should want, right? The 7 Questions: With each employee being able to say:  “Yes, I understand and embrace that ______ (1-7)”

  1. I belong?
  2. I believe?
  3. I know what I am accountable for?
  4. I know how I am being measured?
  5. I know how I am being heard?
  6. I know how I am being developed?
  7. I know how work fits with my life?

I had a well run, profitable and growing business before we implemented EOS. Today, a year after implementation, we have supercharged the business. We now have clarity of responsibilities, problem solving frameworks and the growth has been explosive… thank you for giving us the framework to really take off.

Bob Verdun

Computerized Facility Integration, LLC (CFI)

Book my seat for the discovery lunch!

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